The vast number of visitors on social networks, particularly Instagram and Caffeine, searching about Sleep Specialists continues to grow daily. I want to know your thoughts on Sleep Specialists?
baby of 3-6 months can stay awake for around 2 hours at a time, so
watch carefully for signs of tiredness: red eyes, yawning, a glazed
expression. Don’t miss that window to take them out of a stimulating
environment and put them down for a sleep. If they get over-tired they
find it much harder to fall sleep. As unlikely as it sounds, even babies
newly home from the hospital can be taught to sleep better. In fact,
shaping your baby’s sleep is usually pretty easy to do with the right
sleep cues. Most babies will need to be rocked or nursed to sleep in the
first couple of months, this is normal. As time goes on though, you
will want to wean your child from this habit - without using harsh
methods like leaving them to cry it out. A calming bedtime ritual that
follows a predictable pattern every night gives your baby a heads-up
that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep, which in turn helps
him to nod off. If you decide to do the longer-and-longer sleep
training, don’t be shocked if on the first night, your little lovebug
screams louder and harder than he’s ever screamed before. In fact, this
escalation is totally normal for one to two nights. If your baby isn’t
tired by bedtime, you may need to play around with an earlier afternoon
nap or shortening the duration of the afternoon nap. You may need to
drop nap time altogether if your child no longer needs it.

as much sleep as you can is important particularly when you’re a
parent, so if your little one decides the day is starting at the crack
of dawn or before, you are forgiven for not feeling best pleased. Aim
for bedtime between 6:00-7:00pm (earlier if naps are short or missing).
Although it may seem counterintuitive, earlier bedtimes eventually
translate into longer stretches of sleep. A bedtime routine is a
wonderful way to bond with your little one at the end of a long day, and
it just might make evenings more relaxing for you too. Your baby needs
to be able to fall asleep without you there, so try to avoid
rocking/feeding to sleep/holding your hand a habit (although obviously
don’t worry about doing it sometimes if your baby is upset or ill). Tuck
your baby up, say goodnight, and leave. If baby doesn't settle, wait a
bit (in case they do!) then go in and pat them/shush them/stroke their
face, to reassure them and see if that helps them to settle to sleep.
Keep doing it as long as they need you: be boring and quiet, don’t
engage. Try to extend the gap between visits. It can take a few – very
long! – nights but sleep experts say you’ll see results in 3-4 days
maximum. A sleep consultant will take a holistic approach to create a
sleeping system that you can manage and one which takes into account
ferber method as well as the needs of the baby and considerations of each family member.
Put Your Baby Down While She’s Still Awake
their sleep cycles are much shorter, babies will often only sleep for a
couple of hours at a time. Although most newborn babies are asleep more
often than they are awake, disturbed nights can be hard to cope with as
first-time parents – try to tackle this early on by sharing night time
bottle feeds between you and your partner. In warmer weather, you can
dress baby in a sleeveless and legless onesies for bed, or just a nappy
and singlet. For cooler weather, a full suit will keep baby warm. Split
nights can happen during developmental leaps. Your little one’s brain is
working overtime and sleep can go on the back burner. If you have
noticed that your baby has learned some new skills recently, be sure to
provide plenty of opportunity for them to practice their new learnings
during the day and hopefully then they will be ready to rest at night.
It is not about being a selfish parent if you want your child to sleep,
as that is often how it is perceived. A well-rested child is a precursor
to a well-rested family unit – with huge benefits. If we are going to
prioritise maternal health and wellbeing and also infant mental health,
sleep has to be part of that conversation. Focus on figuring out how
your newborn likes to sleep. As long as they are not able to flip over,
swaddling is generally considered safe, although you should always check
with your pediatrician to make sure they recommend it for your child.
The gentle approach and caring manner of a baby sleep expert allows them
to assist you in the most preferable way to deal with
4 month sleep regression and to assist you and your family in any way possible.
baby adjusts to life on the outside, he’ll stop mixing up his days and
nights, often by the end of the first month. That's when your baby
starts making his own melotonin, a sleep-regulating hormone. It's not
unusual for babies to be resistant to the idea of sleeping alone in
their cots, away from the warmth of a cosy body to snuggle up to.
Luckily there are a few things you can do to make the transition an
enjoyable and hopefully sleep-inducing experience. Being your baby’s
sleep aid is fun and cuddly, and I’m all in favor of it as long as
you’re happy with it (and you take precautions like bed-sharing safely).
But if you’re tired and frustrated, this is the right moment to help
your infant learn some new habits. Not all babies like sleeping alone
and away from their mothers - especially when they've spent the previous
nine months or so snuggled up inside her belly. It is normal for babies
to be fed to sleep especially in the first 6 months, babies feel calmed
and comforted by feeding and it helps them settle. This is not a
problem and they will change this once they develop and are able to self
soothe. Whether its something specific like
sleep regression
or really anything baby sleep related, a baby sleep consultant can
guide you to find a sleep solution as individual as your baby is.
Encouraging Good Sleep Habits
changes so rapidly in baby's early weeks and what they hate at 4 days
might work at 4 weeks. If you’re comfortable trying sleep training, it
can be a good option for babies who wake up frequently to feed
throughout the night. Either way, your little one needs help learning
how to self-soothe so she can fall back to sleep on her own. There’s no
badge of honor for powering through sleeplessness on your own. Whenever
possible, accept help — or go ahead and ask for assistance from family
and friends. Babies typically sleep in short spurts over a 24-hour
period, so allowing others to assist you with watching, feeding, or
changing the baby is critical. Even if all you can manage is a quick
afternoon nap while a friend cares for your baby, every little bit helps
you catch up on nighttime losses. It is important not to feed your baby
more frequently than every two and a half hours during the first six
weeks, unless there is a medical reason and your pediatrician advises
you follow a more frequent feeding schedule. Your baby’s digestive
system needs time to process the food. Baby should wear what you have to
bed on to be comfortable, plus one layer. If baby feels cold then they
should have more clothes on. If they’re sweating, they may be
over-bundled. If you need guidance on
gentle sleep training then let a sleep consultant support you in unlocking your child's potential, with their gentle, empathetic approach to sleep.
is one thing that can cause sweating. Thirty minutes after your baby
falls asleep, check her ears to see if they’re red and very warm, and
feel her neck to see if it’s sweaty. If she’s overheated, swaddle her in
a thin muslin blanket with only a diaper on. And use a fan or air
conditioner to keep her cool. Keeping your newborn safe while they are
sleeping is of the utmost importance. Position your baby on their back
to sleep, with no loose bedding or pillows in the crib. Use a firm,
flat, cot mattress to help them maintain a safe sleeping position and
keep an eye on their temperature to ensure that they are neither too hot
nor too cold. The safest place for your baby to sleep for the first six
months is in a cot in the same room as you. Always put your baby down
to sleep on their back with their feet at the bottom of their cot or
Moses basket. Keep blankets and sheets away from their face. Tuck covers
securely under their armpits or consider using a ‘baby sleeping bag’.
For newborns, sleep during the early months occurs around the clock and
the sleep-wake cycle is driven by the need to be fed, changed and given
attention. Breastfed babies will need to nurse every two to three hours
in the beginning, and bottle-fed babies every three to four hours, so
don't expect more than a few hours of sleep at a time. There are
multiple approaches to
sleep training and a sleep expert will help you choose one that is right for you and your family.
Whatever Gets You Through The Night Is Alright
be hard on yourself if your baby has developed a napping habit, it’s
easily done and can be gently changed. Your baby will ultimately lead
the way with how they sleep but avoiding these habits that can have them
relying on certain things to sleep form early on, could help them learn
to settle to sleep more naturally from an earlier age. Put your babies
on a flexible schedule. During the first month (corrected age), keep
naps under two hours and wake after four hours of night sleep to feed.
The second month (corrected age), you can extend night sleep to five or
six hours—and longer after that. Remember that tiredness and
sleeplessness can make it easier for other anxieties to creep in, and
may make minor problems feel bigger than they really are. Be kind to
yourself when you’re living with a baby or small child, and remind
yourself that a lack of sleep might be affecting how you feel. Stumble
upon extra insights on the topic of Sleep Specialists on this
NHS page.
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